Without a doubt, 2018 will be considered one of the best years for the public company ENUSA. The signing of the contracts for the supply of Forsmark 1 and Foorsmark 2 at the beginning of the year, with the Finnish TVO and with the three main Spanish electricity companies, IBERDROLA, NATURGY and ENDESA, has meant an important boost for the public company both at the business level as well as market recovery in the Nordic countries after years of absence.
For the president of ENUSA, José Vicente Berlanga, this contract has been possible "thanks to the trust and seriousness shown to our clients, our commitment to continue promoting research and improvement of our products and services and, of course, to the invaluable collaboration of all the people who make up this great company." He believes that it is a "great milestone because, on the one hand, it means recovering a market that had been lost and that is very important and, on the other, it means economic and financial stability for the coming years and is an incentive to continue working on projects that allow ENUSA to continue growing and be a reference at an international level.
The Group has begun a strong commitment to internationalization and, as a result, it has been able to regain the trust of Nordic customers and open new opportunities in emerging markets.
Thus, the Juzbado plant once again manufactures fuel for nuclear power plants in the Nordic countries after a few years of absence from this market. Good news for the local environment of the Salamanca factory because it guarantees the employability and rejuvenation process of the workforce. An essential action for the objective that, surely, the municipalities of the region pursue to establish a young population that allows local revitalization.
ENUSA's Juzbado plant becomes the undisputed European leader in engineering and associated services in terms of supply of BWR and boiling reactors, as a result of the intense work that the Group is carrying out in terms of R&D&I to the which adds to the challenge of Digital Transformation towards an industry 4.0 that the company has initiated, one of the greatest challenges of a future that is global and which is necessary to maintain and strengthen the technological and licensing agreements with Westinghouse and with GNF or maintain the development of high-tech equipment that allows us to consolidate technological differentiation and customer recognition, continue promoting the internationalization of inspection services and equipment and environmental processes and services.
But, in addition to nuclear activity, it has also been a good year for one of the Group's subsidiaries, ETSA, which has also improved its figures and has become the leading company in Spain in the transport of radioactive isotopes present in life. daily life of Spaniards since they are the essential elements in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The logistics company also expands its activity to new transport and thus strengthens the growth it has been experiencing in the coming years.
Berlanga believes that "ETSA is a company to be very proud of because it requires the precision and professionalism necessary for very special transportation and we are meeting our objectives of excellence in our activity. We hope that 2019 will be even better, but the truth is that we have set the bar very high in 2018.
The president of ENUSA, José Vicente Berlanga, also wanted to highlight the "positive" evolution of EMGRISA, the environmental subsidiary of the Group to which, he highlights, "we will dedicate a lot of effort" to improve the figures of past years and make the environmental section of the Group a reference at a national and international level "because we have the best professionals, high capabilities and a determined commitment to show our potential to the world in terms of caring for the environment." To this end, as with the nuclear area, they will continue to focus on internationalization and the search for emerging markets, "without forgetting the national market, which is experiencing a time of commitment to environmental sustainability after the arrival of the Pedro Sánchez Government."