Transparency portal

En Enusa la transparencia es uno de los valores en los que creemos firmemente y así lo tenemos recogido en nuestro Código de Conducta
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We understand that this should be translated as any action aimed at informing our stakeholders of information related to management decisions on the company's activities and business. For this reason, and among other actions, there are the publications we make on our social networks. Every year we publish our Annual Report, which reflects what we are, but above all, what we contribute to the environment around us and what our added value is for the society we represent and serve.

Adicionalmente y como refuerzo a los medios habituales para la divulgación de nuestra información, tenemos el Portal de Transparencia que pone a disposición de la ciudadanía la información sobre la actividad de ENUSA INDUSTRIAS AVANZADAS S.A, S.M.E., incluyendo datos, entre otros, de gestión económica y financiera, información corporativa y organizativa, así como de la principal normativa que nos aplica.

La unidad responsable de Transparencia de Enusa es la Dirección de Gabinete y Relaciones Institucionales. El correo electrónico de solicitud de información pública es:

Esperamos que este Portal resulte de utilidad para todas las personas que a él se acercan y asumimos el compromiso de seguir mejorándolo y completándolo gradualmente según lo dispuesto en la Ley 19/2013, de 9 de diciembre, de «Transparencia, acceso a la información pública y buen gobierno».

At ENUSA we ensure efficient, transparent and fair management.

Institutional and organisational information

Economic, budgetary and statistical information

Remuneration, indemnities and compatibilities

Request for information and competent body

Institutional and organisational information

Regulatory information

Reference to the regulations that determine the legal regime and nature, as well as those that regulate the activity, the contracting of supplies, goods and services and those that determine the good governance and transparency to be followed in management.

Institutional information
ENUSA INDUSTRIAS AVANZADAS, S.A., S.M.E. is a public limited company with 100% public capital, with the Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales (SEPI) holding 60% and the Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas (CIEMAT) the remaining 40%. Representation and management corresponds to three senior management bodies: the Board of Directors, the Audit Committee and the Management Committee.

Economic, budgetary and statistical information

This section provides information on management actions with economic repercussions, as well as information related to the results of the quality of the service provided by ENUSA.
Subsidies and public aid
En relación con la información a que se refiere el Art. 8.1.c de la Ley de Transparencia, durante el ejercicio 2023 ENUSA no ha concedido a terceros ninguna subvención o ayuda pública.
Información actualizada: marzo 2024.
The information collected by Law 19/2013, of 9 December, on transparency, access to public information and good governance on ENUSA contracts, can be consulted in the contracting party profile at:
With regard to the information referred to in Art. 8.1.a, paragraph 2, of the Transparency Law, it should be noted that the awarding procedures provided for in the legislation on public sector contracts (Auction, Competition, Negotiated, etc.) are not applicable to ENUSA, which is governed for these purposes by its own internal instructions on contracting, published on its corporate website.
Orders to own resources
Collaboration agreements
Información actualizada: marzo 2024.
ENUSA does not form part of the State Public Administrative Sector, which is understood to be the General State Administration, its autonomous bodies, the entities that form part of the Social Security and other entities of this nature. ENUSA is a public company belonging to the State Institutional Public Sector.

The structure of the public accounts defined in the General State Budget (PGE) is applicable to state bodies and entities that have a differentiated allocation of public resources in their budgets (Art. 40 of the General Budgetary Law 47/2003, of 26 November). For this reason, the budget items contained in the PGE and the reflection of their state of execution at any given moment (statements of expenditure) are not applicable to ENUSA, due to the fact that the company does not receive any allocation of public funds charged to the official budgets.

ENUSA prepares a budget that is included in the consolidated budget of the SEPI Group as part of the PGE. In the economic-financial information of the portal of the Ministry of Finance, the budget information required by Law 19/2013, of 9 December, on Transparency, Access to Public Information and Good Governance, is available.

Annual accounts
The financial year runs from 1 January to 31 December of each year. Within three months of the end of the financial year, the Board of Directors prepares the annual accounts, the management report and the proposed corporate results, which are submitted for approval by the shareholders' meeting within six months of the end of the financial year.
Report on the Audit of Guarantees, Warranties and other commitments granted by the entities of the State Public Business Sector in force during the financial years 2012 to 2014.
Report on the Audit of the Actions of ENUSA Industrias Avanzadas, S.A., related to environmental protection, financial year 2013 and updates of the situation at 31 December 2016.
Report on the audit of private security and cleaning services contracts in the non-financial state business sector, financial years 2017 and 2018.
Report for the Audit of the Emergency Contracts entered into in 2020 for the management of the health crisis situation caused by Covid-19, within the scope of the non-financial state public business sector.

Report on the Audit of the Contractual Activity of the Non-Financial State Public Sector, based on the information provided by the online contracting reporting platform, in the 2015 and 2016 financial years.

Audit Report on the Degree of Compliance by Non-Financial State-Owned Enterprises with the recommendations made by the Court of Audit in Audit Reports and in a follow-up note, on contracting procedures, the implementation of measures aimed at rationalisation and reorganisation in financial years 2012 and 2013 and provisions related to the Interinvest, S.A. sale and purchase agreement.
Audit Report on the Degree of Implementation of the models for the prevention of crime and unethical behaviour in state-owned companies in the 2018 financial year.
Audit report on the follow-up of the recommendations included in various audit reports on entities of the non-financial state-owned public business sector approved in the period 2016 to 2019.

Remuneration, indemnities and compatibilities

Remuneration, compensation of senior management and authorisations for private activities
In accordance with Law 5/2006, of 10 April, on the regulation of conflicts of interest of members of the Government and Senior Officials of the General State Administration, the only senior official who is also the company's chief executive is the Chairman.

Their remuneration is regulated by Royal Decree 451/2012 of 5 March, which sets out the remuneration system for senior managers and executives in the public business sector and other entities, and the Order of the Ministry of Finance of 30 March 2012 implementing it.

Gross annual remuneration of the entity's chief executive:

  • Mariano Moreno Pavón, presidente de ENUSA Industrias Avanzadas, S.A. S.M.E., del 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre de 2023 ha percibido la cantidad de 242.047,56 euros.

Durante el año 2023 no se produjo ninguna autorización para actividad privada al cese de altos cargos.

Información actualizada: marzo 2024.
The regime of incompatibilities is regulated in Law 53/1984, of 26 December 1984, on incompatibilities of personnel in the service of the Public Administrations and in Royal Decree 598/1985, of 30 April 1985, on incompatibilities of personnel in the service of the State Administration, the Social Security and dependent Entities, Bodies and Companies.

Information on compatibility resolutions may be consulted on the Transparency Portal of the General State Administration.

Authorised Compatibilities for ENUSA's Active Personnel:

Información actualizada: marzo 2024.

Request for information and competent body

La información accesible contemplada en la Ley19/2013 de 9 de diciembre, de transparencia, acceso a la información pública y buen gobierno (Ley de Transparencia), está publicada en el “Portal de Transparencia” de nuestra página web. Para cualquier información adicional póngase en contacto a través del correo electrónico:

During the year 2022 no request for access to public information has been generated.

In order to ensure the proper functioning of this mailbox, the company's right of access to public information will be exercised in accordance with the provisions of the rules of procedure. The body responsible for dealing with requests for access is the Cabinet and Institutional Relations Management, which is responsible for the Enusa Transparency Portal.