El Grupo Enusa, compuesto por la matriz Enusa y las filiales ETSA y Emgrisa, presenta su Memoria Anual 2023. El Grupo ha cerrado el ejercicio con una cifra de negocios...
Find out all the latest news about ENUSA and related news, as well as content and materials for the media.
The fuel rod cycle: manufacturing, inspection and certification
Mario Tolentino Bártulos, Ingeniero de Calidad en Enusa Nuestro compañero Mario Tolentino ha escrito un interesante artículo para la Revista Nuclear España de la Sociedad Nuclear...
Enusa participates in the APIS project to guarantee European autonomy in the supply of VVER fuel
Liderado por Westinghouse y cofinanciado por la Unión Europea, el Programa Acelerado para la Implantación del Suministro Seguro de Combustible VVER (APIS) reúne a 12 socios...
Enusa joins the commemoration of International Pride Day in its defense and support of equality and diversity
La compañía va a implementar un programa formativo para toda la plantilla, en colaboración con la Federación Estatal LGTBI+, para sensibilizar en el respeto y la igualdad y...
The Enusa Group closes 2022 with a profit of 5 million euros
Strengthens the international diversification of the business and its digital transformation process The Enusa Group (composed of the parent company Enusa and the subsidiaries Etsa and Emgrisa) presents...
The Juzbado fuel factory reports an event notifiable to the Nuclear Safety Council
It has had no consequences on the installation and has not posed any risk to workers, the public or the environment. The Juzbado factory has communicated this afternoon...