Corporate governance

Our guiding principles ensure effective, transparent and fair management, in order to safeguard the social interest, and with the aim of maximizing the value of the company in the medium and long term.
Home 9 Corporate governance

Code of Conduct

Crime prevention model

Governing bodies

Internal regulations

Legal framework

Contractor profile

Enusa´s Policies

Code of Conduct

The ENUSA Group's Code of Conduct includes the set of principles and values that underpin the Group's Good Corporate Governance practices, which favor transparency in management and promote Corporate Social Responsibility policies. Through our commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals that make up the United Nations 2030 Agenda, the ENUSA Group consolidates the values of sustainability and ethics as the cornerstones of its business management.

Crime prevention model

The first principle established in the ENUSA Group's Code of Conduct is compliance with the law. As a result of this commitment, the Organization, Management and Control Model for the Prevention of Crimes was approved on 29 June 2015 by the ENUSA Board of Directors.

The Crime Prevention Model identifies the criminal risks that could arise from the company's activity and the controls that enable it to prevent or, where appropriate, detect unlawful conduct.

Anti-corruption protocol
As established in the Code of Conduct, the aforementioned Model and Protocols must be complied with by all ENUSA directors, managers and employees. Therefore, failure to comply with the rules and controls established therein may constitute a disciplinary offence and, therefore, give rise to the imposition of the corresponding disciplinary sanction.

ENUSA is firmly and resolutely committed to the fight against any form of corruption. The Anti-Corruption Protocol establishes the rules, guidelines and controls necessary for the prevention of situations and conduct that could lead to the commission of public and private corruption offences, both in Spain and in the other countries in which ENUSA operates.

Governing bodies

Management Committee
It proposes to the highest governing body the organisation's strategy on all matters.
It is composed of eight members (the Chairman plus seven directors of the entity), all of whom are executives and none of whom are independent.
Chairman & CEO
Mariano Moreno Pavón
Executive Vice President & Chief Commercial Officer
Mariano Rodríguez Aycart
Executive Vice President & Chief Legal Officer
Carlos Moro Valero
Executive Vice President, Institutional Relations
Vicente López
Executive Vice President, Corporate Affairs
Rosario Arévalo
Executive Vice President, Internal Audit
Paola Catena
Executive Vice President, Factory Management
Pablo Vega Bazal
Executive Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer
Consuelo Molina García
Executive Vice President, R&D and Innovation. Chief Technology Officer
Carmen Paredes Haya
Executive Vice President, Finance. Chief Financial Officer
Miguel Montes Navarro
Board of Directors

It is the highest governing body of the organisation. It approves the strategy and supervises the organisation in all matters.
It is composed of twelve members: the Chairman (the only executive member, who also chairs the Management Committee) and eleven external directors.

  • President: Mariano Moreno Pavón, ENUSA INDUSTRIAS AVANZADAS,S.A., S.M.E.
  • Vicepresidenta: Yolanda Benito, directora General del Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas. CIEMAT. Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.
  • Consejero: Luis M. Aguado Díaz, subdirector General de Sectores Especiales, Fondo Español de Garantía Agraria. Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación.
  • Consejera: Elena Pastor Les, directora de Área de Seguimiento y Control de Participadas en SEPI.
  • Consejero: Juan Miguel Báscones Ramos, director de la Oficina Nacional de Contabilidad (IGAE). Ministerio de Hacienda.
  • Consejera: María Francisca Gómez-Jover Torregrosa, subdirectora General de Organización, Estudios y Previsión Social Complementaria. Dirección General de Seguros. Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital.
  • Consejero: Luis Gonzaga Serrano de Toledo, subdirector General de los Servicios Contenciosos. Abogacía General del Estado. Ministerio de Justicia.
  • Consejera: Margarita Ruiz Saiz-Aja, subdirectora General de Economía Circular. Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico.
  • Consejera: Elena Muñoz Salinero, subdirectora General de Impulso de la Digitalización de la Administración en la Secretaría General de Administración Digital. Ministerio para la Transformación Digital y de la Función Pública.
  • Consejero: José Manuel Redondo García, subdirector General de Energía Nuclear, Dirección General de Política Energética y Minas. Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico.
  • Consejera: María Luisa Álvarez Suárez, subdirectora Mejora de la Regulación, Apoyo a la Empresa y Competencia. Ministerio de Economía, Comercio y Empresa.
  • Consejero: Gonzalo Remiro Ródenas, director adjunto de Gabinete del secretario de Estado de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades. Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.
  • Secretario no consejero: Carlos Moro Valero, director de asesoría Jurídica y Secretaría del Consejo.
Audit Committee

This body is responsible for supervising certain aspects of the organisation's economic performance and recommends to the Board of Directors the approval or non-approval of the Annual Accounts, of which the annual report forms an integral part, a document that sets out the economic, social and environmental performance of ENUSA INDUSTRIAS AVANZADAS, S.A., S.M.E. and its investee companies.

The Audit Committee is made up of three members of the Board of Directors, a Chairman and two members, none of whom are executives. In accordance with the provisions of articles 30 and 31 of the Internal Regulations of the Board of Directors of ENUSA, it is unanimously agreed to appoint as members of the Audit Committee:

  • Presidenta: María Francisca Gómez-Jover Torregrosa.
  • Vocal: Juan Miguel Báscones Ramos.
  • Vocal: Margarita Ruíz Saíz-Aja.
  • Non-counselor Secretary: Carlos Moro Valero.

This appointment is made, in accordance with the above-mentioned articles, for a period of two years.

Recruitment Commission
The contracting body will be the Contracting Committee, which will be part of the Management Committee of ENUSA, Industrias Avanzadas.
  • President: Mariano Moreno Pavón.
  • Vice-President: Rosario Arévalo Sánchez.
  • Secretary: Carlos Moro Valero.
  • Members: Miguel Ángel Montes Navarro, and directors of the organisations promoting the contracting proposals.
  • Advisor: Ingrid Nilsen de la Cuesta.

Internal regulations

Documentación con los Estatutos Sociales y el Reglamento Interno del Consejo de Administración.

Legal framework

Decree 2177/1967 of 22 July 1967 approving the Regulation on Nuclear Risk Coverage.

Law 25/1964 of 29 April 1964 on nuclear energy.

Royal Decree 35/2008, of 18 January, amending the Regulation on Nuclear and Radioactive Installations, approved by Royal Decree 1836/1999, of 3 December.

Royal Decree 1464/1999, of 17th September, on activities in the first part of the nuclear fuel cycle.

Royal Decree 1611/1985, of 17th July 1985, modifying Royal Decree 2967/1979, of 7th December 1979, on the organisation of activities in the nuclear fuel cycle.

Royal Decree 1029/2022 of 20 December, approving the Regulation on health protection against ionising radiation.

Royal Legislative Decree 1/2010, of 2 July, approving the revised text of the Capital Companies Act.

Royal Legislative Decree 9/2017 of 8 November, approving the revised text of the Public Sector Contracts Act.

Law 19/2013, of 9 December, on transparency, access to public information and good governance.

Contractor profile

Information for contractors
ENUSA INDUSTRIAS AVANZADAS, S.A., S.M.E. hereby announces that due to the approval of Law 9/2017, of 8 November, on Public Sector Contracts, which came into force on 9 March 2018, and in order to adapt the operation of this website to the spirit and guidelines of the aforementioned regulation, it will publish on this page tenders called by this company, as well as any other data and information referring to the contracting body's contractual activity and any other useful general information, such as points of contact and means of communication that can be used to contact the contracting body.

To access ENUSA's Contractor Profile, Tenders and Minor Contracts, please consult the following links:

Access to ENUSA's profile on the state contracting platform.

Internal instructions on contracting

General purchasing conditions

Code of conduct for suppliers

ENUSA's Security Policy